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Hernia Statistics

Hernia operations are among the most common procedures performed today.

Most hernias result from a tear in the lining, or fascia, beneath the abdominal muscles, allowing the intestines to protrude. In many cases, this process begins at birth and is an inherited condition.

While far more common in men, they are quite frequent in women as well. These hernia affect people of all age groups, from infants to seniors.

Four different types of hernias account for almost 100 % of the hernias repaired by surgeons.

The Society will:

  • Organize meetings for presentation and discussion of scientific material
  • Support cooperation in educational activities around the Asia-Pacific Region
  • Support and undertake projects of scientific interest in the subject of hernia that will deserve the goal and the mission of the Society
Type Location Frequency Defect
Inguinal Groin 93% Fascia
Incisional Entire Abdomen 5% Fascia
Ventral/umbilical Upper Abdomen 1% Fascia

More common in males than females.

  • Indirect hernias – most common overall
  • Femoral hernias – more common in females.
  • Most common side for inguinal and femoral hernias is the right side; explanation: delay atrophy of processus vaginalis
  • Most common complication is strangulation; highest rate – femoral hernias

Statistics by Country for Inguinal hernia





“Hernia” was created in 1997 with the purpose of promoting clinical studies and basic research as they apply to groin hernias, internal hernias, the abdominal wall (anterior and postero-lateral aspects), the diaphragm and the perineum. “Hernia” is the official organ of the European Hernia Society (GREPA), established in 1979, for the American Hernia Society (AHS) established in 1997, as well as for the Hellenic Hernia Association founded in 1999. These two associations have common objectives: the promotion of abdominal wall and hernia surgery in all its aspects, the study of anatomical, physiological, pathological and therapeutic issues concerning the abdominal wall and hernias, the creation of associated groups which will promote research and teaching in this field, the development of interdisciplinary relations. “Hernia” is a journal written by surgeons who have made abdominal wall surgery their special field of interest. As a distinct publication, its adepts come from general surgery as well as various sub-specialities



Prof. Marc Miserez
Prof. Volker Schumpelick
Robert J. Fitzgibbons, Jr., MD, FACS

Hernia Journal

The Hernia Journal is the official journal of the Asia Pacific Hernia Society (along with American Hernia Society & European Hernia Society)

The World Journal of Hernia and Abdominal Wall Surgery


  • Prof. Marc Miserez
  • Prof. Volker Schumpelick
  • Robert J. Fitzgibbons, Jr., MD, FACS

ISSN: 1265-4906 (print version)

ISSN: 1248-9204 (electronic version)

Journal no. 10029

Springer Paris

Hernia Text Book

An APHS initiative


Publisher Byword Viva Publishers Private Limited

Edited By Dr. Pradeep Chowbey

ISBN 978-81-8193-088-0

Published Year 2012

Subject Hernia Repair

Hernia Text Book


The Asia Pacific Hernia Society has taken an initiative to produce a text-book on hernia repair “Techniques of Abdominal Wall Hernia Repair”.

The book is aimed at the practising herniologist and shall provide a  ready reference. The content andemphasis in the book is on a practical, hands on approach. Currently used techniques in hernia repair (both open and laparoscopic) shall be described in lucid detail with plenty of intraoperative photographs and illusitrations.

The book will be published by Springer International Written in an easy-to-read format, this full-colour book equips the general surgeon with do-it-yourself techniques using a step-by-step approach to endoscopic repair of hernias of the groin and abdominal wall hernias of the groin and abdominal wall. The highlights of the book include:

  • A new, simple and practical classification for abdominal wall hernias
  • Line diagrams as well as corresponding photographs to delineate the endoscopic anatomy
  • Innovations to reduce the cost of surgery Anesthetic implications for endohernia repair
  • This reference guide is invaluable for the young, aspiring surgeon as well as the trained laparoscopic surgeon.

Accreditation of Centre of excellence in hernia and Course endorsement rules

Join Your Colleagues and Friends at These Hernia Meetings

20th Annual Congress of the Asia Pacific Hernia Society (APHS)

September 18 @ 8:00 am - September 20 @ 5:00 pm

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